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New case study: 2 unit conversion into 6 units, gaining $800k in equity

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Published on
August 22, 2024

Read below and you will see the exact floor plans we created to make this happen.

For this Case Study, you will learn how we helped a client convert a stacked duplex, into a set of long semis with 3 units in each semi-detached house.
We provided our clients with a full turnkey services, from initial feasibility of the acquisition, to the complete architectural plans.

Our clients came to us to create the maximum value in the least amount of time.

We helped our clients source and acquire a stacked duplex with an unfinished basement. Through the current R2 zoning, we split the building into a long semi, and with the help of Bill 23 designed 3-units per side for a total of 6-units all within the existing building footprint.

This means nothing changes to the outside structure whatsoever...

We saved the client lots of money by suggesting we work within the existing structure instead of spend excessive investment into excavation and concrete. Although in most cases spending the extra investment is lucrative, we found that it was not necessary in this specific scenario.

As the leading multi-family experts, we were able to provide our clients with a turnkey design and build service for their multi-family investment.

Here are the numbers;
Property Acquisition = $800,000
Renovations & Soft Costs = $800,000
Market Value of a 6 unit Building = $2,400,000
EQUITY GAIN = $800,000

- Find a property with the correct zoning and ideal building size
- Fit 6-units into the existing space while making the units functional
- Ensure that the units are spacious and livable while maintaining all safety requirements
- Utilize current building features like windows, services, and egress point to avoid a completely demolishing the building or expensive renovations
- Budget

- We are zoning experts who know the best ways to maximize density
- Our architectural team of experts understand the optimal way to design a space making units feel spacious while requiring the least amount of space
- We are building code experts who can create legal safe units while optimizing the density
- Our fixed price scope of work created by our engineer makes OGC accountable for the final price

View and Download the Floor Plans Here:

Want to learn more about this and how it works?

Book a call with us to discuss how we can source a similar investment for you or reconfigure your existing building to add more density and build more equity in your property.

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